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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Mania has no boundaries no limitations when all is lost there can only be the top Coming down can be harsh and feels like a thrusting power pushing you deeper into your depression to the depths of the pain into the Hell your mind creates

Feel it in your sould the rythmic beat of a drum Your mind dancing with thoughts start out in blues as the tempo pulsates you heart throbs with the messages from your brain

The beat of the drums causes a frenzy The music is in you and you have become the beating drum The lyics of thoughts echo and the clashing cymbals your mind vibrates You know extasy Living for the rhythm the rhythm coexisting in you and when your dance is over there is nothing but down

Practicality what a splendid word What does it say to me when I rise When would you expect me to be spendthrift generous thrifty for the moment I can not or even care to say Why excessivness Why do we throw money around when the credit cards are our best friends I can rejoice when there is an abundance and cry at the times of plenty

From the joy of spending there is the passion of saving Wonderful words Numbers to see on paper When when whe will this occur Can I hope for more

Brainchild talents used to such a degree as to be called a zealot does not matter when all that there is the matter with me is nothing but what is the matter with me

Thinking feeling lack of sympathy lack of control will bring me back to my happy point th most important thing of all is joy always joy in sadness only for the ones who cannot feel it

I swm blessed with my mania but for some reason I am cursed with my lows Is there an answer for me for others An emphativ yes yes yes but do they forget the feelings do they lack the ability to remember and stay on the worn pah of stability or do they choose to fall bewildered and sadly happily

I do not know Pumping iron my creativity flys on the wings of furute moodswings the exuberence the vigerous enjoymen t of my life as I know it and have since birth

What is the point of all life is showing me a good time