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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We are People with a mental Illness

We are what we are a person we differ from the majority of the population we at times have difficulties but then so do you.  We are no different when it comes to intelligence or violent behavior. We differ in only in the unplanned and uncontrollable behavior and thoughts. When it comes to creativity and productivity we may even surpass the average PERSON.  We do not plan or desire to have what is considered to be a defect or flaw in us. There is no choice or decision in having a mental disorder.  We are the same as a person with a major physical condition.

Throughout the ages there has been much hidden about the mentally ill.  We have been ridiculed, punished and hidden But we are a major part of society We are real and even though society tries to suppress and conceal the fat that we are life in the world we do exist in the families in the political offices and although we may not make up  the larger part of mankind we are living among the peoples of the world

Why condemn the one who can be your on family member maybe your mother or  father we ask only to be given the basic rights and to live a full life and not be condemned for something  that is not in our power to control and may be a result of genetic history and why do you place he blame on us A gift from God at times for some of a curse from the Devil at others We are real and we try to coexist in the world around us and some of us can reach the potential of  n average person We have our limitations but then most people do

All that we ask for is empathy, an understanding and for not to be feared by others.