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Monday, August 15, 2011

Bipolar Rage

Do you know someone or do you have occasional outbursts of temper at times shock and surprise you? Are there times when you wonder where all of this sudden rage comes from, when you have a happy home? Is your life one that you would describe as happy, if only it wasn't interrupted by recurring bouts of irritability and anger over trivial things?

People can and often do become overwhelmed by negative emotions that they're unable to handle it is possible that it may be occuring from bipolar disorder – and that is the cause of these eruptions

Bipolar disorder is a cycle of moods and emotional distruptions. When a person with bipolar disorder is haveing an episode, they can be very reactive and more easily provoked into sudden outbursts of anger. Irritability and anger is one of the usual symptoms of bipolar episodes in mania or depression. What may seem like an abnormally explosive reaction to you may be something that the person with bipolar disorder in an episode may not be aware of being out of the ordinary or is not consciesious of how they are reacting.

Everyone gets annoyed at times. But when having an episode a bipolar can be more volatile and unable to control their anger as easily.

Bipolar disorder can be hard to recognize when it has gone undiagnose Only a qualified professional can make that diagnosis, and many people simply cannot handle their tempers. Outbursts of anger alone cannot be used to make a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, symptoms have to be present. There are other psychiatric disorders which have symptoms of angry outbursts, such as major depressive disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizoaffective disorder, cyclothymic disorder, mood disorder caused by a substance abuse.
People suffering from bipolar disorder may have violent mood swings and displays of temper. Outbursts that are out of control for a normal person are thought by a person who suffers from this mental disorde to be normal behavior at times. In a violent episode bipolar sufferers continue this pattern of mood swings and violence which left unchecked can lead to incarceration.
Teenagers are difficult to diagnose with a mental disorder. The hormones, and their bodies are changing. Teenagers are naturally angry and when they display anger and tension, it is difficult to tell if they are just being a teenager or having a manic episode.
Easily provoked and erupting at any given moment if left undiagnosed and unmedicated, the bipolar sufferer displays irritability as well as the inability to handle negative situations in his life. A bipolar reacts with inappriate anger.
With treatment The right medications, therapy to recognize triggers that cause the episodes which drive the anger bipolars can recover and learn to understand their rage.

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