According to a study in 2002, bipolar the mortality rates from suicide, heart problems, aare higher in bipolars than those in the general population. But in those treated there was a dramatc improvement in survival rates, even suicide and heart disease.
The risk for suicide is very high in bipolars and those who are left untreated. The suicide rate for bipolar disorder I patients is high and have risks being highest during episodes of mixed mania, depression and mania. However, the risk for suicide in bipolar disorder II patients is even higher than it is for those with bipolar disorder I or major depressive disorder. Patients whith anxiety disorders, have greater risk for suicide. Rapid cyclers, a more severe bipolar disorder type, does not increase the suicide rates.
Patients with bipolar disorder may have problems with short- and long-term memory. They tend to be more severe when a person has more manic episodes. Medications may be responsible for some of these difficulties. These mental difficulties may make it harder for these patients to comply with medications or to participate in psychotherapies. Manic patients are easily distrated which increases the problem.
Some bipolar patients show heightened productivity or creativity during manic phases. However when the mania is severe, the distorted thinking and impaired judgment that are characteristic of manic episodes can lead to dangerous behavior, including spending money, causing financial ruin in some cases. angry, paranoid, and even violent behaviors and nortorious promiscuous behavior. These behaviors are followed by low self-esteem and guilt during the depressed phases.
Ssmoking is prevalent among bipolar patients who have frequent or severe psychotic symptoms most commonly they are heavy smokera. Nicotine use may be a form of self-medication because of its calming effect it is a release of pent up energy. In some point of their lives patients with bipolar disorder abuse other substances most commonly alcohol, followed by marijuana or cocaine the statiscs are high. The risks for alcoholism and substance abuse in bipolar patients experiencing mixed-state episodes rather than ones of pure mania. Some studies show it is more common in men than women.
Bipolar disorder is the chemical imbalances in the brain and classic psychotherapy has not been effective for these patients. Some techniques are proving to be helpful. And with the psychological support of trained mental health professionals is beneficial to the of the problems that occur with the disorder Therapits can educate patients about the disorder and its treatments and help them comply with drug compliance. They can monitor the patient's status and detect early symptoms in manic and depressive episodes to reduce the severity of the attacks. Therapists can help patients cope with feelings of guilt and remorse that occur in response to their actions during mania. And a ptofessional can assist in helping patients deal with feelings of imperfection and despair feelings common in depression.
Therapists trained in cognitive therapy may be beneficial for many patients. This method aims to help a patient recognize negative thoughts and behavioral patterns and try to change them. It is known to be helpful for depression and anxiety Patients learn how to recognize manic episodes before they become full-blown and to change behaviors during an episode. Ways to endure depression by developing behaviors and thoughts that may help lift the negative mood.
One method for helping the patient to predict or recognize an impending episode is done using a graph and diary that records the effect of the patient's mental state of energy with physical activity Also using a diary, the patient describes each day, the mood, and its effect on physical activities. The patient also describes any significant emotional or physical events. After several months, the therapist and patient may be able to detect a pattern and possibly identify triggers of bipolar disorder episodes. The information helps the patients to make adjustments that might reduce the severity of mood swings. For example, if a predictor for either manic or depressive episodes is insomnia, the doctor can advise sleep inducing techniques or prescribe medications that might reduce the severity of the emerging mania.
Exercise is an important part of treatment, particularly for those susceptical weight gain a typical side effect of medications for treatment. It also helps increase feelings of well-being. Sleep management is of special importance for bipolar patients.
A healthy diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables is important . Bipolars should be sure to maintain a regular healthy diet. They may need to restrict calories if they are on medications that increase weight.