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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I am going to post some interesting and hopefully useful sites which have personal experiences with being Bipolar Hopefully the can be of use to the readers of my blogs

Mental Health Realities: The Fine Line Between Being Over ...
Jul 15, 2011 – So there is a fine line we tread on, between being under-medicated, finding the right balance, and being over-medicated. It often takes a long ...

<a title="Free Backlinks" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Free Backlinks" border="0" /></a>

This is a very informative and helpful website that I was fortunate to find.  

New NCCBH 'Health Is MentalInfographic*–and Some Ideas for ...

If anyone is interested in the "Diary" type blog there are some on the internet that run along that theme some are on tumblir

This Is Bipolar - Tumblr

Bipolar Planet