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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The dangers of being Bipolar can be medication There are certain drugs that are used to treat Bipolar Disorder They range from simple antipsychotics and antidepressents to drugs that are used for their side effects such as mood altering and sedating

One of the popular and famous medication is a simple natural product called Lithium It is a natual salt but the has dangerous side effects when used without the addition of simple table salt When on this medication the blood levels can become too high in your body without using extra table salt

When the blood level of Lithium is too high the symptoms range from a simple tremor in the extremeties hands legs to convultions and vomiting excessivly Left unchecked death can occur It is the drug of choice for Bipolar Disorder Other drugs called antisiezure medications are used when Lithium can not be tolorated or in some cases it does not work one of them called Lamictal There are dangerous side effects with Lamicatal and medications like it one is a severe rash which can also result in death or complicated side effects Your equilibrium can beso badly affecte that you have difficulty with you coordination there is the possibillity of falling becoming extremely clumsy

With medications like these there is a chance of diabeties and a tremendous weight gain Most people on these medications experience weight gain up to 100 lbs which leads to physical problems due to medications

The side effects of these medications are often worse than the disorder itself it may seem Sleeplessness is treated with medications like Klonipin it can cause restlessness suicida lthoughts and actions and panic attacks

The medication side effects are sometimes worse than the disorder itself

Why I llove to hate the the medications in common use for Bipolar Disorder Is the cure worth the risks in taking medication For some people it is so they go off of medication and have to be hospitilized The lesser of two evils sometimes


Anonymous said...

Well, Wena, I hope this is your site which I find interesting and fun to read. It took me awhile but I finally found it. Talk to you soon.


Michael Smith said...

The last sentence: "The lesser of two evils" Needs to be completed. Otherwise, you give a good understanding of medications.
