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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bipolar Disorder and Early Death

Is there a link between major depression and an increased risk for early death due togeneral medical illnesses.

In the past, premature deaths associated with bipolar illness were attributed to unnatural causes, such as suicide, homicide, and accidents. Recent studies are showing that this may account for only a portion of premature death in these individuals.

People with bipolar disorder tend to have manic phases and depressed phases in their lives. During mania, they might be too wound up to sleep, their thoughts might race, and they might have boundless energy. During depression, they might feel painfully sad, hopeless, and immobilized.

Having a major mental illness such as bipolar disorder increases the risk of developing physical illness from poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise, substance abuse, and a lack of medical care.

Patients with a mental illness and a medical illness have more challenges managing their condition. Diabetes, for one requires a lot of selfcare, poor management can lead to more complications with the medical disorder leading to death.

Another factor to physical illness and early death in patients with bipolar disorder are the newer antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, which are now in widespread use.
Some new antipsychotic medications used to successfully treat bipolar disorders are safer and more comfortable for the patient in some ways than previous medications, but can cause weight gain leading to obesity and other metabolic changes that predispose people to Type 2 diabetes. Some mood stabilizers also cause weight gain and metabolic disorders.

These medications have fewer adverse effects than the older drugs, but they contribute to obesity and metabolic problems, diabetes, and heart disease,

Effective treatment of mental illness are bringing a new problem

Psychiatrists need to pay closer attention to patients' physical health. To effectively treat them for their mental-health problems but them to have them die prematurely from their medical diseases is becoming an epidemic.

Psychiatric staff are now hand with centers for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, and family-medicine practices. This is necessary because of the growing problems with the medical care of bipolar patients and the mentally ill in general.

New approaches to healthcare and wellness programs are being tested for preventing premature deaths associated with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.

Bipolar disorder appears to increase the risk for premature death due to medical illness, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, endocrine disorders, pulmonary disease.

Bipolar disorder is as big a risk factor for premature death as smoking.


Bipolar Disorder and Early Death
Bipolar Disorder and Early Death

Is there a link between major depression and an increased risk for early death due togeneral medical illnesses.

In the past, premature deaths associated with bipolar illness were attributed to unnatural causes, such as suicide, homicide, and accidents. Recent studies are showing that this may account for only a portion of premature death in these individuals.

People with bipolar disorder tend to have manic phases and depressed phases in their lives. During mania, they might be too wound up to sleep, their thoughts might race, and they might have boundless energy. During depression, they might feel painfully sad, hopeless, and immobilized.
Having a major mental illness such as bipolar disorder increases the risk of developing physical illness from poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise, substance abuse, and a lack of medical care.
Patients with a mental illness and a medical illness have more challenges managing their condition. Diabetes, for one requires a lot of selfcare, poor management can lead to more complications with the medical disorder leading to death.

Another factor to physical illness and early death in patients with bipolar disorder are the newer antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, which are now in widespread use.
Some new antipsychotic medications used to successfully treat bipolar disorders are safer and more comfortable for the patient in some ways than previous medications, but can cause weight gain leading to obesity and other metabolic changes that predispose people to Type 2 diabetes. Some mood stabilizers also cause weight gain and metabolic disorders.
These medications have fewer adverse effects than the older drugs, but they contribute to obesity and metabolic problems, diabetes, and heart disease,

Effective treatment of mental illness are bringing a new problem

Psychiatrists need to pay closer attention to patients' physical health. To effectively treat them for their mental-health problems but them to have them die prematurely from their medical diseases is becoming an epidemic.

Psychiatric staff are now hand with centers for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, and family-medicine practices. This is necessary because of the growing problems with the medical care of bipolar patients and the mentally ill in general.

New approaches to healthcare and wellness programs are being tested for preventing premature deaths associated with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.

Bipolar disorder appears to increase the risk for premature death due to medical illness, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, endocrine disorders, pulmonary disease.

Bipolar disorder is as big a risk factor for premature death as smoking.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Side Effects of Medications for Bipolar Disorder

If you have bipolar disorder, you will probably need medicatiom. You will probably need to take medication for the rest of your life; since there is no cure for it.
Bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness. Taking medication is just like taking medication for heart disease or any other serious physical.
Psychiatrists use a number of different classes  and typesof medications depending on the frequency and severity of the symptoms .  Treatment for bipolar mania may include lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines.
Maintenance therapy for bipolar disordeconsists of the right medication or combination of drugs along with psychotherpy for crisis intervention. Many people who have bipolar disorder keep taking these medications for years or decades.

Medication really is the most effective treatment available for bipolar disorder. Scientific studies an point to this. Unfortunately, the potential side effects of the medications sometimes make bipolar disoder episodes the better of the two. For some people the decision to take medication is easy to make. For others it can be very difficult. Side effects are the reason people with bipolar disorder stop taking their medications. Many people to give up on medications entoirely, the hospitals become a revolving door switching with the episodes they are having. Though it may take a long time, most people eventually do discover medications they can tolerate. The response to a medication can change with age most bipolars find themselves sympomtom free for longer periods with less severe symptoms over time. Someone with bipolar disorder may take multiple drugs at once, such as a combination of Lithium for bipolar mania and Lamictal for bipolar depression. Lithium, Depakote, Tegretol and Lamictal . . The three are anticonvulsant drugs that just happen to work well for bipolar disorder management, but they are all called mood stabilizers in terms of bipolar disorder use. Lithium, Depakote and Tegretol are antimanic drugs, while Lamictal is used for bipolar depression.
Mood stabilizers have variety of side effects, but they are the most effective antimanic drugs. Lithium is often prescribed first as it’s inexpensive and an excellent drug when it works. Common Lithium side effects include tremors, excessive thirst, memory loss and difficulty reading. Toxicity is common so monitoring Lithium blood levels is needed. The most common side effects of Depakote and Tegretol are weight gain, headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, eye problems and problems with equilibrium.
Possible Lamictal side effects include shortness of breath, neck problems, jerky body movements, itching and a skin rash. There are two kinds of potential rashes associated with Lamictal. One is benign. The other is very serious. Treatment must be stopped if the second one occurs. Lamcital does not cause weight gain and the side effects tend to get better over time.

Thorazine , Haldol and Trilifon are antipsychotic drugs.. These were effective but caused a lot of concerns due to the motor side effect called tardive dyskinesia. The newer antipsychotics are Clozaril , Zyprexa, Seroquel, Risperdal, and Abilify.
Antipsychotics are used to treat psychosis, prevent mania and sometimes treat depression. Side effects include rapid weight gain, especially around the stomach, lethargy, restlessness , dulled senses, tremors, impaired thinking, slow speech, shuffling the feet, and concentration problems. The main concern with Clorazil, Zyprexa and Seroquel is that they can cause metabolic syndrome, a condition that relates to possible diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
While some of these potential side effects can be very strong, Many people eventually find the right anti psychotic with few side effects. They can return to the workfoce and live their lives relatively symptom free.
During a depressive episode you may need other medications. Lithium and other mood stabilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, and are used to treat bipolar depression.
A mood-stabilizing medication works on improving mood, social interactions, and behavior. Mood stabilizers are effective in the treatment and prevention of bipolar mood states of alternating recurring episodes of depression and mania.

Bipolar patients with severe mania or mixed episodes are usually treated with an antipsychotic medication combined with either lithium or  the anticonvulsant Depakote..
Lithium is one of the oldest and cheapest mood-stabilizing mediations for bipolar disorder. Lithium is a natural salt.
Studies show that Lithium is effective in reducing symptoms and frequency of episodes for most bipolar patients.
While taking Lithium, you need to have regular blood levels of the drug monitored by your doctor, as the medication can be toxic in high doses.

Anticonvulsants are another treatment for those with bipolar disorder.  Anticonvulsants may be combined with lithium or with other anticonvulsants for those unresponsive to Lithium these may be used with better results.

Some commonly used anticonvulsants include Lamictal , Depakote, Tegretol , and Trileptal.

Some of the most popular antidepressants are Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin These drugs are extremely effective for depression treatment, but must be used with extreme caution in people with bipolar disorder, as they have a high risk of inducing mania. Antidepressants can lead to increased rapid cycling and severe mania in people with bipolar disorder, and should never be used alone. They can be used, however, in conjunction with with effective results in some people.antipsychotics. Common antidepressant side effects include agitation, weight loss or weight gain, headache, stomach upset, irritable bowel syndrome, sexual side effects, loss of appetite, leg-shaking, sleepiness, and oddly enough suicidal tendencies
Anti anxiety drugs are such as Ativan , Klonopin, Xanax and Valium. Anti anxiety medications can be addictive and some doctors are wary about prescribing them but many people with bipolar disorder have anxiety and sleep problems, they should not be ruled out simply because there is a chance of addiction.

The Cause of Bipolar Disorder

The cause of bipolar disorder is not completely know. Genetic, neurochemical probably predispose thedisorder and environmental issues probably play a role in the progression of bipolar disorder. This seems to be a predominantly biological disorder in a specific part of the brain with a malfunction of the neurotransmitters in the brain.Neurotransmitters are the chemical part of the brain that controls thoughts and emotions. Since it is a biological disorder, it may be spontaneous or it may be triggered by stressors in life.
Reseachers are working to find the exact cause of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder usually runs in families. Studies show that as much as half the people with bipolar disorder have a family member with a mood disorder usually depression.
Having one parent, a fraternal twin increases the chance that a person will have bipolar disorder.
A person who has an paternal twin with bipolar disorder has an even greater risk of developing the illness than a fraternal twin.
Studies of where a child whose biological parent had the illness is raised by another family without bipolar disorder helped researchers learn more about the genetic causes causes.

Bipolar disorder is due to the dysfunction of certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers)in the brain. These chemicals may are norepinephrine, serotin and many others. As a biological disorder, it may be triggered by external factors such as social circumstances or psychological stressors.

A life event may trigger a mood episode in a person with a genetic makeup for bipolar disorder.
Even without the specific genetic factors, changes in health habits, alcohol or drug abuse, or hormonal problems can trigger an episode.

Substance abuse is not considered a cause of bipolar disorder but it can worsen the recovery of the disorder. Use of alcohol or tranquilizers may induce more severe depressive phases.
Some medications like antidepressants can trigger a manic episode in people who are susceptible to bipolar disorder. Depressive episodes in some persons must be treated carefully when those people have had manic episodes. Because a depressive episode can turn into a manic episode when an antidepressant is taken, an antipsychotic drug is also used to prevent a manic episode. Protecting the person from antidepressant-induced mania.

Other medications can produce a symptoms that resembles mania. Appetite suppressants may trigger increased energy, decreased need for sleep and increased talkativeness. The difference is that after stopping the medication the person returns to his normal mood.
Illicit drugs such as cocaine, such as Ecstasy and amphetamines.
Excessive doses of over-the-counter drugs, including appetite suppressants and cold preparations.
Nonpsychiatric medications, such as medicine for thyroid problems excessive caffeine can mimic the appearance of mania .
If a person is has bipolar disorder, stress, frequent use of stimulants or alcohol, and lack of sleep may trigger the disorder. Certain medications also may set off a depressive or manic episode.

An imbalance in naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters plays a significant role in bipolar disorder and other mood disorders. Imbalanced hormones may be involved in causing or triggering bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a blood relative with the illness.

Stress, abuse, significant loss or other traumatic experiences can cause a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
Reserchers are looking at hereditary as a cause of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is not passed from one generation to another genetically. There is a complex group of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors.
Stress is a significant contributor to the development of bipolar disorder.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Psychotic Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar psychosis looks a lot like the symptoms of schizophrenia, causing misdiagnosis many times for patients with manic depression. Most bipolars will or have had a psychotic episode in their lives. Psychosis is usually temporary, but in some casas persists throughout the course of the illness. Bipolars can live their lives with psychotic episodes which is the case of Bipolar I disorder.

Clang is a symptom of psychosis. Linking words together based on similar sounds rather than meaning is a symptom of psychosis which is termed Clang association. This symptom occur in psychotic episodes in the manic phase of bipolar disorder, but can also occur in a depressive episode. The sentences or phrases used are rhyming, or punning.

There are other types of language changes that may be present with bipolar symptoms in addition to clang associations. Jumping from one idea to another seemingly without logical transition.Making up words that have no meaning to anyone but the speaker. Rarely repeating others’ words or phrases.

When a bipolar is becoming psychotic, you will notice that the language gets more rapid and less sensible and understandable as their mood becomes more elevated and the psychosis worsens. They may not be aware that they are not making sense. Untreated the y may become totally incoherent. Treatment for his bipolar symptoms is needed instead of trying to rationalize with them as their language is starting to fall apart.

Clang may be accompanied by other symptoms of psychosis, commonly there are hallucinations, paranoia , delusions, disordered thinking or speaking, being excessively responsive to stimulation Difficulty determining what is real and what is not, problems completing ordinary tasks, memory, concentration and clear thinking

Pressure of speech is a term used by doctors for speech that is rapid and a continuous flow that may be difficult or impossible to interrupt by the listener. It can be loud, emphatic, uninhibited, and continue even though no one is listening.

These speech abnomalities are often a result of Flight of ideas a term for the racing thoughts of bipolar patients. Flight of ideas is when nearly continuous flow of accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic that are usually based on understandable associations, distracting stimuli, or plays on words. When severe, speech may be disorganized and incoherent at the extreme it can seem to be unintelligible. These psychosis need to be treated with medications called antipsychotics. Confinment in a hospital is often necessary until the psychotic features lessen or are relieved.

Love to Hate Money

Love to hate money. One of the most common symptoms of bipolar disorder is impulsive and irrational spending. The amazing joy of the drive to spend money shows in a bipolars life in many ways

It may be wild shopping sprees. . It may be absurd investments when our bipolar grandiosity is telling us we can do no wrong. Manic grandiosity can tell us to lavish presents and gifts or cold hard cash at random to anyone.

Feeling lucky in love, the use of prostitutes, phone sex,internet dating is possible when you have the money. Gambling, for example on horse racing, Las Vegas trips, even hundreds of scratch off lottery tickets all become an outlet for the drive to spend.

How to curb the excessive squandering of money eludes most of us but there are ways to control some damage that it causes. Some ways in which you can keep yourself under control are trying to avoid internet use. Both online shopping and gambling, and sex related activities online chat rooms.

Give cash, credit cards and ATM cards to someone trustworthy for safekeeping if possible. Leave large amouts of cash credit cards locked away where they are not easily accessable. If you find it tottaly out of control cut up credit cards, debit cards until the episode lifts.

Find a way to divide finances keep small amounts of money in places where if the drive becomes too unbearable there is a little money to ease it. Sometimes spending 2.00 for a cup of coffee is enough to satisfy the drive.

 In extreme cases it may be necessary to arrange for money management through an organization where a certain amount is allotted for a week or a setup plan. A bipolar treatment contract with your doctor and a caregiver which centers around bipolar excessive spending. 

When a manic episode with excessive spending ends, our normal reasoning may return, but this return to reality often is followed by a serious depression. Waking up the morning after a manic episode and seeing the aftermath packages some not even taken out of bags. The credit card statements begin to come through, calls from the banks about overdrafts that are not remembered. All of this is a part of bipolar life. So you learn to love to hate money. With insight you can do get out of debt and start on the road of financial recovery again. The roller coaster ride never ends for some of us but that is part of learning to live bipolar.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Suicide and the Bipolar Patient

People with bipolar disorder type I and type II have different risk factors concerning the cours of the illness. The suicide risk factors for bipolar II are less severe than type I. Many bipolar II patients are diagnosed with severe depression because of the absemce of true manis. The hypomanic symptoms are harder to diagnose. Some psychiatrists say there is a higher suicide risk associated with patients who are bipolar type II.

When a person commits suicide without anyone expecting it, they are usually bipolar II patients. Even people close to the person may have thought that they were the happiest person in the world because of their hypomania. Suicidal behavior is different in each bipolar patient, but with bipolar II the symptoms are easier to control. Minimizing suicide attempts as well as suicidal thoughts can be treated with medications that may not be be used with other types of bipolr disoorders. Studies have shown that patients are at a higher risk of bipolar suicides when left untreated. Psychiatrists look for depressive symptoms, manic symptoms and/or psychotic symptoms in all bipolar patients. Many bipolar II patients have contemplated suicide and engage in suicidal thinking.

A severe depressive episode can cause suicidal thoughts. Racing thoughts that cause irritable mood in the patient repetive thoughts can brig about suicidal attempts. One may feel helpless and drowning in a sea of problems and the idea spurs thoughts of actually jumping off of a bridge, which is a common symptom of bipolar depression. Depending on how severe the depression episode the person is experiencing the thoughts of suicide can range from jumping in front of a car to throwing themselves in front of a train. Hospitalization for treatment with antipsychotics are often needed to protect the person from death.

Alcohol or illegal drugs can be a factor in bipolar suicides. Substance abuse only multiplies the risk of suicide. Every individual experiences many differences in symptoms, which require different therapy in order to stabilize the patient. Many bipolar patients will engage in substance abuse with prescription or legal drugs, many times causing symptoms of psychosis, with delusions and hallucinations in the patient.

Even with new treatments, medications and research into the why bipolars attempt suicide the risk of actually completing the act bipolars are still at risk for suicide. Often therapy can eliminate the attempts teaching the patient to become more aware of the symptoms. Doctors are looking at diagnosing bipolar disorder more often and the chances of misdiagnosing has lessened. The key to the problem is early intervention and treatment even when the patient is not willing to receive treatment.

Looking for early warning signs from the person who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder can help lower the risks of suicide dramatically.

Taking Control of Bipolar Disorder

You can take control of your illness. A lifestyle that can help make coping with bipolar disorder easier. Designing strategies in day by day living with the episodes of your illness. Structuring your life to be as symptom free as possible can be done with the following practices:
    Monitor your symptoms and knowing when they start helps to control them. Keeping a daily journal of events in your life that can trigger an episode helps to stop them from becoming major.
    Talk honestly with your doctor about any symptoms or side effects you may be experiencing. .
    Create a support group people to share your thoughts, and questions with who are living with Bipolar Disorder .
    Avoid alcohol and drugs that can have dangerous interactions with your medicines. Ask your Doctor before taking any other medications even natural substances.. Make sure that any food, over the counter medicines, or herbal supplements you plan to take won’t have a harmful interaction with your treatment.
    Watch your diet, you can help yourself feel better by keeping well balanced eating habits.
    Try to develop a sleeping pattern, symptoms worsen with haphazared sleeping. If you are sleeping much more than normal, or if you are unable or unwilling to sleep, an episode may be beginning.
    Discover what stressors can bring about an episode and always try your best to reduce it. Call your doctor if your emotions threaten to become uncontrollable.
    Exercise as much as possible routine exercise is both physicallly and emotionally helpful in relieving stress and releasing pent up energy.
    Schedule your day add structure in your life. Balance your time with daily hobbies, activities and relaxation
No matter what medicine your doctor has prescribed for you, motivation will help you take it the way you should.
Take control of your Bipolar Disorder dont let it take control of you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Therapy and Bipolar Disorder


It has become clear that the benefits of cognitive therapy rests on the therapeutic relationship. The therapist has to respect the patients’ preferences and needs, even if they disagree as a trained professional. Patients, with a trust in the therapist, even when what is discussed is not what the patient wants to hear. The patient must feel comfortable telling therapists when symptoms are surfacing, and therapists must be honest when the warning signs are ignored by the patient putting them at risk of a relapse.
Effective treatment of bipolars requires a long term commitment. The therapists’ is to not only help a person overcome the symptoms of the illness and recover from the episode but also to prepare for its inevitable return. Visits include skills that are taught and reducing the symptoms. As progress is made and once the patient is stable, therapy can be reduced as the patient learns and uses the skills for bipolar living. A return of symptoms, stressful events, may indicate crisis visits. When and if therapy resumes, the therapist can help the patient pick up where they stopped. Encouraging their patients to call in when things are going well or when they have good news keeps the relationship solid. This feedback reinforces the patients trust in the therapist that they are a person not just as a disorder. This can be important when the patient is having difficulties with treatment or control of symptoms.
Psychotherapy is a stabilizing device in the lives of patients. Therapy visits are a structure utilizing time, for seeing progress, and for achieving goals helping the patient feel good about their accomplishments. Regularly scheduled sessions reporting on their progress between sessions provide opportunities for patients to take control and increasing the chance that they will complete the plans made in therapy. Most people who are not involved in psychotherapy do not regularly take the time to monitor their feelings and actions, or make time to confront personal problems and set goals for improvement.
Cognitive and affective symptoms roles in the the therapy process are important. When concentration is poor or the person is easily distracted, it is difficult to accomplish a lot in a session. If the person’s outlook is colored by depression, efforts at reviving hope must be addresses and other issues have to put aside. Mania can change a session with cognitive changes. Increased optimism especially if it comes after a depressive episode. This enthusiasm can be for the therapist who wants the patient to feel better and achieve his or her goals be overlooked as a symptom.
Cognitive therapy is a skills-oriented form of psychotherapy. Therapists use tools for helping patients to manage their moods, restructure their thinking, and cope with their problems. The people treated have managed to get along before therapy came along. They possess some skills and have learned from their experiences , they are competent, able to solve problems, and smart enough to know when to ask for help.
People who are distressed probably coped better with life at times with existing coping skills, bipolars are no different. The goal of psychotherapy is to help the patient pick up the pieces that are a result of the disorder. Once that is accomplished then the work of using daily coping skills are learned and used in leading to recovery and day by day bipolar life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bipolar Disorder A Way of Life

According to a study in 2002, bipolar the mortality rates from suicide, heart problems, aare higher in bipolars than those in the general population. But in those treated there was a dramatc improvement in survival rates, even suicide and heart disease.
The risk for suicide is very high in bipolars and those who are left untreated. The suicide rate for bipolar disorder I patients is high and have risks being highest during episodes of mixed mania, depression and mania. However, the risk for suicide in bipolar disorder II patients is even higher than it is for those with bipolar disorder I or major depressive disorder. Patients whith anxiety disorders, have greater risk for suicide. Rapid cyclers, a more severe bipolar disorder type, does not increase the suicide rates.
Patients with bipolar disorder may have problems with short- and long-term memory. They tend to be more severe when a person has more manic episodes. Medications may be responsible for some of these difficulties. These mental difficulties may make it harder for these patients to comply with medications or to participate in psychotherapies. Manic patients are easily distrated which increases the problem.
Some bipolar patients show heightened productivity or creativity during manic phases. However when the mania is severe, the distorted thinking and impaired judgment that are characteristic of manic episodes can lead to dangerous behavior, including spending money, causing financial ruin in some cases. angry, paranoid, and even violent behaviors and nortorious promiscuous behavior. These behaviors are followed by low self-esteem and guilt during the depressed phases.
Ssmoking is prevalent among bipolar patients who have frequent or severe psychotic symptoms most commonly they are heavy smokera. Nicotine use may be a form of self-medication because of its calming effect it is a release of pent up energy. In some point of their lives patients with bipolar disorder abuse other substances most commonly alcohol, followed by marijuana or cocaine the statiscs are high. The risks for alcoholism and substance abuse in bipolar patients experiencing mixed-state episodes rather than ones of pure mania. Some studies show it is more common in men than women.
Bipolar disorder is the chemical imbalances in the brain and classic psychotherapy has not been effective for these patients. Some techniques are proving to be helpful. And with the psychological support of trained mental health professionals is beneficial to the of the problems that occur with the disorder Therapits can educate patients about the disorder and its treatments and help them comply with drug compliance. They can monitor the patient's status and detect early symptoms in manic and depressive episodes to reduce the severity of the attacks. Therapists can help patients cope with feelings of guilt and remorse that occur in response to their actions during mania. And a ptofessional can assist in helping patients deal with feelings of imperfection and despair feelings common in depression.
Therapists trained in cognitive therapy may be beneficial for many patients. This method aims to help a patient recognize negative thoughts and behavioral patterns and try to change them. It is known to be helpful for depression and anxiety Patients learn how to recognize manic episodes before they become full-blown and to change behaviors during an episode. Ways to endure depression by developing behaviors and thoughts that may help lift the negative mood.
One method for helping the patient to predict or recognize an impending episode is done using a graph and diary that records the effect of the patient's mental state of energy with physical activity Also using a diary, the patient describes each day, the mood, and its effect on physical activities. The patient also describes any significant emotional or physical events. After several months, the therapist and patient may be able to detect a pattern and possibly identify triggers of bipolar disorder episodes. The information helps the patients to make adjustments that might reduce the severity of mood swings. For example, if a predictor for either manic or depressive episodes is insomnia, the doctor can advise sleep inducing techniques or prescribe medications that might reduce the severity of the emerging mania.
Exercise is an important part of treatment, particularly for those susceptical weight gain a typical side effect of medications for treatment. It also helps increase feelings of well-being. Sleep management is of special importance for bipolar patients.
A healthy diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables is important . Bipolars should be sure to maintain a regular healthy diet. They may need to restrict calories if they are on medications that increase weight.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bipolar Rage

Do you know someone or do you have occasional outbursts of temper at times shock and surprise you? Are there times when you wonder where all of this sudden rage comes from, when you have a happy home? Is your life one that you would describe as happy, if only it wasn't interrupted by recurring bouts of irritability and anger over trivial things?

People can and often do become overwhelmed by negative emotions that they're unable to handle it is possible that it may be occuring from bipolar disorder – and that is the cause of these eruptions

Bipolar disorder is a cycle of moods and emotional distruptions. When a person with bipolar disorder is haveing an episode, they can be very reactive and more easily provoked into sudden outbursts of anger. Irritability and anger is one of the usual symptoms of bipolar episodes in mania or depression. What may seem like an abnormally explosive reaction to you may be something that the person with bipolar disorder in an episode may not be aware of being out of the ordinary or is not consciesious of how they are reacting.

Everyone gets annoyed at times. But when having an episode a bipolar can be more volatile and unable to control their anger as easily.

Bipolar disorder can be hard to recognize when it has gone undiagnose Only a qualified professional can make that diagnosis, and many people simply cannot handle their tempers. Outbursts of anger alone cannot be used to make a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, symptoms have to be present. There are other psychiatric disorders which have symptoms of angry outbursts, such as major depressive disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizoaffective disorder, cyclothymic disorder, mood disorder caused by a substance abuse.
People suffering from bipolar disorder may have violent mood swings and displays of temper. Outbursts that are out of control for a normal person are thought by a person who suffers from this mental disorde to be normal behavior at times. In a violent episode bipolar sufferers continue this pattern of mood swings and violence which left unchecked can lead to incarceration.
Teenagers are difficult to diagnose with a mental disorder. The hormones, and their bodies are changing. Teenagers are naturally angry and when they display anger and tension, it is difficult to tell if they are just being a teenager or having a manic episode.
Easily provoked and erupting at any given moment if left undiagnosed and unmedicated, the bipolar sufferer displays irritability as well as the inability to handle negative situations in his life. A bipolar reacts with inappriate anger.
With treatment The right medications, therapy to recognize triggers that cause the episodes which drive the anger bipolars can recover and learn to understand their rage.

Double Trouble

The struggles and challenges of bipolars are many. This mood disorder has complications and setbacks before stability is achieved. One of the biggest issue is often substance abuse. Substance abuse and bipolar disorder and is more likely to coexist with bipolar illness than with any other mental illnesses. Alcoholics and cocaine are common for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Dual Diagnosis co existing with bipolars is so common that doctors look for it and expect to find it.
Self-medication has become a way in which some individuals may abuse substances in attempting to use them to relieve other problems such as anxiety, pain, sleeplessness or other symptoms of bipolar disorder.
This is a very serious issue. Why do those with bipolar disorder turn to alcohol or street drugs?
It seems that these individuals have a difficulty with bipolar disorder and they are more likely to try a drug in the first place. The drug use is a short-term release from symptoms of mania or depression and begins the cycle of substance abuse. Self-medicating treats the symptoms, not the illness. The more they use a substance other than doctor supervised medication the worse their symptoms become and they often find themselves is a situation of having worse symptoms which are very difficult to control.
For those with a dual diagnosis, double trouble, the challenges to treatment can be that the disorder is more resistant to treatment. Intoxication and withdrawal symptoms can mimic affective disorders.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Psychotherapy and Bipolar Disorder

Psychotherapyused with a medication treatment plan for mental health issues sometimes proves to be beneficial for Bipolars. There are many techniques of psychotherapy like relationship building, simple dialogue, learning communication and behaviors that work to improve bipolar living and help them to deal with relationships.
Spoken conversation is the most popular psychotherapy. But some also use written, therapeutic touch, art, and other nonverbal communicatiom. Psychotherapy is between a trained therapist and one or more patients. There are specialized psychotherapy techniques for bipolar disorder. Their benefit is increased when used in with medications.
One type of psychotherapy is where the psychologist meets with the patient regularly over a certain period. During sessions the discussions are the patient’s personal experience as well as signs of manic and depressive episodes in the past and any events leading up to them. This can be warning signs should these symptoms reappear. The patient can keep a journal on the disorder, if symptoms appear regularly. This form of psychotherapy is very effective for understanding the triggers and symptoms of bipolar disorder and helps in educating the patient about the disorder.
Psychoeducation is educating a person with goals of treatment and rehabilitation. learning about their problem, how to treat it and how to recognize signs of relapse so they can seek treatment before heir problem worsens or recurs. The goal is teaching Bipolar disorder basics, triggering factors, symptoms of onset , forms of treatment, risks associated with treatment
This helps the patient understand the disorder and helps them avoid things or situations which may aggravate it.
Cognitive therapy works on the distorted thoughts and stimuli that can cause emotional stres, which is believed to cause episodes. This type of therapy has been researched and is known to be an effective in bipolar disorder treatment. It is effective in patients who experience disruptive negative thoughts. The patient recognizes thought distortions and techniques for correcting them.
The treatment aims at helping the patient to deal with the thoughts that cause the patient stress and lead to relapses. The patient and therapist concentrate on the negative thoughts, disruptive assumptions and stressful inferences. The patient learns check their thoughts and recognize the reality of the situation.
Another treatment which stresses maintaining a day to day schedule and stability in personal relationships. Social Rhythm is believes that disruptions in daily routines and problems in interpersonal relationships can cause a recurrence of the manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder.
Patients understand how social relationships and roles are affected by their routines and that their moods can be affected by changes in these routines. The therapist helps the patiet see what changes cause relapses and teaches the patient how to manage stressful events and maintain positive relationships.
Family Focused Therapy focuses on family and relationships and how they contribute to changes in bipolar disorder. This treatment is used to identify problems and conflicts in the family circle that contribute to stress and problems in the family that occur because of the illness. They teach the family how to resolve them. All family members learn about the illness, treatment and support resources.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Coping With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar problems will vary from person to person and the type of episode, a depressive episode may make getting out of bed in the morning and going to work difficult. The inability to function day to day is very likely to make them unemployable.
A manic episode or a depressive one can last anywhere from several hours to several months in some cases years. These variations in moods can be serious enough to affect a person’s routine. A depressive episode can make a bipolar incapable of
Another cause of bipolar problems is impulsivity. During a manic episode, the person feels like they are on top of the world and can do anything. It is common for a person s to take actions in this state that they will later regret. Bipolars are known have to run through credit cards and create huge bills or quit jobs during a manic episode. Sometimes people are sexually indiscriminate because heightened libido during an episode and may end up with sexually transmitted diseases.
A manic episode does not only bring about bipolar problems. Some people during a manic episode can be extremely productive or creative. They have a positive attitude and enthusiam to solve problems as they arise.
There are no medical tests available that can say that a person is suffering from this condition. This makes it very difficult for doctors to make a diagnosis based on symptoms a patient is suffering. And there is the problem of actually recognizing the symptoms. The time lapse between manic and depressive episodes can make it difficult to put them together for a diagnosis. A person in a depressive episode can be confused to be suffering from a severe case of depression.
There is some good news. A bipolar individual can solve all of their bipolar problems with the right doctor and the right treatment. With new research studies being done there are new medications to treat Bipolar disorder.
If you feel you are bipolar or have a friend or relative who is bipolar seek out help as soon as possible. For most people there is no reason for bipolar problems if the patient follows the prescribed treatment. Life can be qualitive and sane even with a mental disorder.

Bipolar Living

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder in which of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels, thinking and mood with depressive episodes. The elevated moods are called mania or hypomania. Individuals may experience also a mixed state in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These moods are usually separated by periods of normal moods; but, sometimes, depression and mania may rapidly cycle, which is known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to psychotic symptoms as hallucinations and delusions. The disorder includes bipolar I, bipolar II and cyclothymia, based on the nature and severity of mood episodes experienced.
Studies show that the condition is lifetime. full symptoms usually begin in late adolescence or young adulthood. Episodes can be associated with distress and disruption and a risk of suicide, especially during depressive episodes. In some cases, it can be a devastating long-lasting disorder. It has also been associated with creativity, goal striving, and positive achievements. There is evidence to say that many people with creative talents have also suffered from some form of bipolar disorder. Often creativity and bipolar disorder are linked.
Genetics contribute to the developing of bipolar disorder, and environmental factors are also aggravate the condition. Bipolar disorder is often treated with psychiatric drugs. Psychotherapy is helpful often when there has been some recovery of the subject's stability. In serious cases, in which there is a risk of harm to oneself or others, the person has to be committed to a psychiatric hospital. These cases generally involve severe manic episodes with dangerous behavior or depressive episodes with suicidal thoughts. There are widespread problems with being Bipolar. People with bipolar disorder exhibiting psychotic symptoms can sometimes be misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia a serious mental illness
The experiences and behaviors involved in bipolar disorder are often not understood by individuals. Treatment is somtimes not accepted even though there is increased public awareness of the condition.
Individuals are commonly misdiagnosed. An individual may appear simply depressed when they are seen by a medical professional. This can result in misdiagnosis of Depressive disorder (Unipolar).
The bipolar disorder diagnosis is used technically with anyone with a history hypomania and depression no matter what their current or future functioning .
For many individuals with bipolar disorder a good prognosis results from good treatment. Because bipolar disorder be often misdiagnosed, it is often difficult for individuals with the condition to receive competent treatment.
Bipolar disorder can be a severly crippling mental condition. But, most individuals with bipolar disorder can live full and satisfying lives. Medication is often needed to enable this. Persons with bipolar disorder may have periods of normal or near normal functioning between episodes.
Prognosis depends the right medicines and dosage, a competent medical doctor and therapist; and good physical health, which includes exercise, nutrition, and a low stress level. Other factors that lead to a good prognosis, is having insight and recognizing any change from the norm such as sleep patterns, energy levels, and thinking habits..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Differences between Bipolar II and Bipolar I

Bipolar I and II disorders also called manic depressive disorder are mental illnesses. Both are chacterized by changes in moods ( the overall feeling about life) cycling between highs and lows periodically. These cycles are depression or low and elation highs.
In bipolar II disorder, the up moods never reach full blown mania. The less intense moodswings in bipolar II disorder are depression and hypomania.
People with bipolar II disorder have had at least one hypomanic episode in life. Most people with bipolar II disorder also suffer from episodes of depression.
In between episodes of hypomania and depression, people with bipolar II disorder return to normal moods and continueto live a normal life.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder usually start in the late teens and early 20's. Nearly everyone with bipolar II disorder develops it before age 50. People with an immediate family member with bipolar are at higher risk.
During a hypomanic episode, elevated mood can be either euphoria or as irritability.
Symptoms during hypomanic episodes usuaolly are thinking rapidly jumping from one idea to the next. Rapid and loud speech
Increased energy, with hyperactivity, restlessness and a decreased need for sleep
People experiencing hypomanic episodes are fun to be around. can often seem like they have an extrovert personality making jokes, taking an intense interest in activities, and influencing others with their positive mood.
Hypomania can also lead to erratic and dangerous behavior. People in hypomanic episodes can spend money they don't have, act out sexually, and have other impulsive or risky behaviors.
The majority of people with bipolar II disorder experience significant depressive episodes. These can occur suddenly after hypomania, a crash or much later. Some people cycle back and forth between hypomania and depression, while others have long periods of normal mood in between episodes.
Untreated, hypomania can last anywhere from a few days to several months in rarer cases years. For most symptoms continue for a few weeks to a few months.
Depressive episodes in bipolar II disorder are similar to a regular depression, with depressed mood, loss of pleasure, low energy and activity, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide. Depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder can last weeks, months, or rarely years.
Bipolar I is a more severe disorder than bipolar II. People with bipolar I disorder experience true mania -- a severe, abnormally elevated mood with erratic behavior. Manic symptoms lead to serious disruptions in life, causing legal or major personal problems.
In bipolar II disorder, the symptoms of elevate mood never reach full-on mania. Bipolar II can be thought of as a milder form of bipolar disorder.
A person with bipolar II experiences hypomanic episodes but not manic episodes. The difference between mania and hypomania is a matter of severity - hypomania generally does not impair a person's mental functioning and thy do not need to be hospitalized.
They do not exhibit psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations or paranoia as with bipolar I disorder.
In most cases, people with bipolar disorder experience more periods of depression than periods of mania. Bipolar disorder can be either severe or mild, and can have either frequent or infrequent mood swings.
Most people with bipolar I have episodes of both depression and mania. In very rare cases, they experience only mania. Bipolar I is distinguished from bipolar II by the severity and duration of the manic phase, which can last anywhere from a week to several months, and the experience of delusions.

The symptoms of mania can include rapid speech, insomnia, disconnected thoughts, grandiose ideas, hallucinations, extreme irritability, paranoia, violent behavior, a marked increase in strength, and openly promiscuous behavior.

People with cyclothymic disorder alternate between hypomania and mild depression. It is not as severe as bipolar I and II, but persists for longer periods with no break in symptoms. Cyclothymic disorder can later become full-blown bipolar disorder in some people, or can continue unchanged.

Most people with bipolar disorder have an average of 10 manic or depressive episodes over a lifetime. Some, however, experience much more severe symptoms called rapid cycling. They can cycle between lows and highs many times in one day. To be considered a rapid cycler, you must have at leat 4 mood swings in a year.

During a Mixed Episode, symptoms of both mania and depression occur at the same time. The excitability and agitation of mania with depression and irritability. This combination of high energy and agitation along with depression makes the mixed episode the most dangerous for risk of suicide.
The suicide rate for bipolars both I and II is decreasing due to better medications which are used to treat the disorder. Commonly bipolars can expect to see fewer episodes and the intensity of the episodes decreased.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Secret

Shall I share a secret? Kitchen utensils what do they make you think of Thanksgiving Day, family gatherings? Do you know what they remind me of ? The time I almost plunged a carving knife through the palm of my hand to see if I could hit an artery when I was 14 years old. Such a large thought for such a small child.

Train whistles in the distance at night. Memories of traveling to places unseen, NYC and the Worlds Fair. For me I think of the time when I almost jumped in front of one while I was so depressed that I could think of no other way to stop the pain. Fortunately or unfortunately a man I never knew made a comment to bring me back from the brink.

All of these reminders of my years when I thought ending my life would end the pain. When medications did not work or worked inadequately . The years I popped my pills by handfuls wishing I would not live to see the daylight and waking up disappointted to see the sunshine.

All of these thoughts revisit me when I am depressed still, only now after horror stories of attempted suicides gone wrong. told to me by wise doctors and therapists, stop me and have for the past 20 years.
So that is one of my secrets. I have many many more, maybe I will share again with you.

 By Wena

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bipolars and Moodswings

A person is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when they experience different moods within a normal period of time. This problem is also termed as manic Manic Depressive. Bipolar means two poles of emotions at extreme ends of a pole. They experience mood swings from very high to very low in quick succession of time sometimes as quickly as in a day depending on the severity and type of the disorder.
A good analogy is a magnet positive high on one side and negative low on the other. There are different phases of Bipolar Disorder each with different symptoms called episodes.
The first episode is Depression where the person will feel sad for a long time. Normal activities are difficult like getting out of bed, things that are normally enjoyed no longer are. They may stop eating and sleeping or sleept abnormally long periods of time. The second is Maniathere is a good mood the smallest thing brings pleasue and productivity and motion is constant. After a period of time if untreated the happy mood changes to becoming irritable and angry. The third is Hypomania which is a milder form of Mania. It starts with the person feeling satisfied and happy with things in their life overall. When there is a shift in these moods in th space of a day it is called a Mixed Mood.
These episodes are dangerous the person is at risk of being suicidal burning out and making poor judgements finanacially to the point of bankcurptcy.. If there are more than four episodes of depression or mania within a year then it is termed as rapid cycling.
When Manic, the symptoms include more energy, less need for sleep, a restless mind, quick to get distracted, racing thoughts and very talkative and confident, this is more risky if things appear to be going bad.
When depressed, the person feels sad, loses interest in normal things, feels guilty about small things, gets feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, and will either sleep a lot or too little. There can be a change in weight and a feeling of being tired all the time. Problems in making decisions, concentrating on a particular job and perhaps restlessness.
There are things that trigger mood swings part of treatment is becoming aware of them. The triggering factors can be events that have occurred in the person's life. All events from happy ones to sad and unpleasant ones can act as the trigger for both manic and depressive episodes. Things like an unbalanced sleep schedule, a change in the dosage of drugs an increase in alcohol intake, or irregular doses of medication will also act as a trigger. There are herbal products that may not be used by Bipolars and might act as a trigger. Thyroid or other health conditions make the person at risk for depression. It is important for physical tests be done for diagnosing Bipolar Disorder. A person may have a physical condition that is mimicing a mental disorder.
But each person is different and each person will experience different reasons for setting off an episode. Even seasonal changes or holidays, illness, marriage, divorce of a friend and other socially relevant incidents in one's life can act as a trigger. Keeping a daily journal is helpful in keeping track of moodswings and relieves the stress of daily living as a Bipolar.
Bipolar Disorder is a treatable mental disorder and the majority of people in treatment can expoect to see favorable results with medication and/or therapy and live a life relatively free of Moodswings .