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Monday, August 15, 2011

Double Trouble

The struggles and challenges of bipolars are many. This mood disorder has complications and setbacks before stability is achieved. One of the biggest issue is often substance abuse. Substance abuse and bipolar disorder and is more likely to coexist with bipolar illness than with any other mental illnesses. Alcoholics and cocaine are common for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Dual Diagnosis co existing with bipolars is so common that doctors look for it and expect to find it.
Self-medication has become a way in which some individuals may abuse substances in attempting to use them to relieve other problems such as anxiety, pain, sleeplessness or other symptoms of bipolar disorder.
This is a very serious issue. Why do those with bipolar disorder turn to alcohol or street drugs?
It seems that these individuals have a difficulty with bipolar disorder and they are more likely to try a drug in the first place. The drug use is a short-term release from symptoms of mania or depression and begins the cycle of substance abuse. Self-medicating treats the symptoms, not the illness. The more they use a substance other than doctor supervised medication the worse their symptoms become and they often find themselves is a situation of having worse symptoms which are very difficult to control.
For those with a dual diagnosis, double trouble, the challenges to treatment can be that the disorder is more resistant to treatment. Intoxication and withdrawal symptoms can mimic affective disorders.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

This post offers a great truth - that it is hard to manage Bipolar disorder while using a mood-altering substance. I used alcohol for over 14 years to "manage" my symptoms. Until I got sober; My psychiatric medications could not possibly help me as they were intended to. I am grateful to be on medication that helps me now that I am heeding the "do not drink alcoholic beverage while on this medication" label on my medication bottles!