There are things that you can do for yourself and make your way through the difficult times.
Some people find it hard to confide in others or just do not feel comfortable depending on someone else; for the overly independent Bipolar try these tips to help yourself.
Exercise, physical activity can keep you focused and physically healthier. Socialize find new friends, ride a bus there are always people to chat with and you can relieve stress with a little friendly conversation. Relaxation exercises, listen to music music soothes jagged nerves, dance release all the pent up adrenaline. Pursue your favorite hobby try to keep up with the things you usually enjoy or leanrn a new hobby keeping busy lifts depression. Read a book or try for two take your mind off of what you are feeling by reading about what others are feeling even if it is an imaginary person truth is stranger than fiction. Write about your experiences and you may find that you can learn triggers for your moodswings and ways in which you can limit and reduce them. Write about anything at all let your imagination take you from your pain of depression.
When you are having difficulties in lfe taking your mind off of the overwhelming and returning to a simplistic way of life can hep with the frustrations of trying to stay stable. If you are waiting for medication to work take time off fro your usual schedule and return to a more childlike existance.
Watching the skies and finding enjoyment in little things that are around us takes the big picture of the changes in your life away and you can learn to live Bipolar in peace. Peace for a Bipolar may sound impossible while you are going through a crisis but there is peace for all who seek it and gain the knowledge to use it .
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