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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Getting Out of the Rut

In a rut of depression or missing a High?  Wishing you was more productive and creative?  Well you are it is only a temporary feeling of missing something that is still within you.  Start a new project; read a poem; write a poem.  Delve into the arts try writing a short story; learn a new languague.  Broaden yopur horizons take photos nature soothes the thoughts that race and portraits can  introduce new people into your life.

Get into yourself for a while and get in tune with the emotions you feel and write them into a Blog.  I was going through a similar period of feeling nonproductive and a little disgusted with me for not doing what I normally enjoyed.  What did I do?  I started blogging I am now the proud owner of 2 websites and over 100 blogs all written within 6 months time.  Blogging is a great way to share what you know; learn what you do not know.

Another thing which I find very helpful is joining online support groups all the advantages of therapy with less cost and the without the time restriction of having to keep appointments.  You can login whenever you want to feel like writing at 3 am the groups are at your disposal.  Medication has also proved to be helpful with soothing my tired mind and getting rid of the negative thoughts that cloud my perspective on life. 

Get rid of the worries and disappointments by meditating at least twice a day and you will begin to see yourself as the person you are.  Anger management can be found on the internet just learning that there are people like you, who experience the same feelings can often bring you a step closer to your goals.  Make goals in life even if it to clean the baseboards in your house any goal will work to your advantage and give you something to do; keep track of you achievements and failures and you will see where you may be able to improve your life.

Don’t feel alone I found through research, which is always a constructive way to spend your time, a list of famous Bipolars.  While it is not complete and I cannot account for the accuracy you are not alone.  Millions of people have and still go through the same thing that you do.  The mood swings plague many people and have since the beginning of time.  Take thoughts off of yourself for a while and you will see improvement in your life.  And get back to a rewarding gratifying life.

Famous Bipolars

·  Abraham Lincoln (leader)
·  Adam Ant (musician)
·  Agatha Christie (writer)
·  Axl Rose (musician)
·  Buzz Aldrin (other)
·  Drew Carey (actor)
·  Carrie Fisher (actor)
·  Edgar Poe (writer)
·  Gordon Sumner (Sting) (musician)
·  Heinz Prechter (entrepreneurs)
·  Isaac Newton (other)
·  Jane Pauley (other)
·  Jean-Claude Van Damme (actor)
·  Jim Carey (actor)
·  Jimi Hendrix (musician)
·  John Dally (sporting stars)
·  Jonathan Hay (sporting stars)
·  Kay Redfield Jamison (other, writer)
·  Kurt Cobain (musician)
·  Larry Flynt (entrepreneurs)
·  Liz Taylor (actor)
·  Ludwig Boltzmann (other)
·  Ludwig Van Beethoven (musician)
·  Marilyn Monroe (actor)
·  Mark Twain (writer)
·  Maurice Benard (actor)
·  Mel Gibson (actor)
·  Micheal Slater (sporting stars)
·  Napoleon Bonaparte (leader)
·  Ozzy Osbourne (musician)
·  Patricia Cornwell (writer)
·  Patrick Joseph Kennedy (leader)
·  Patty Duke (actor)
·  Plato (other)
·  Ralph Waldo Emerson (writer)
·  Rene Rivkin (entrepreneurs)
·  Robert Downey (actor)
·  Robin Williams (actor)
·  Sinead O'Connor (musician)
·  Sophie Anderton (other)
·  Stephen Fry (actor)
·  Ted Turner (entrepreneurs)
·  Tim Burton (writer, other)
·  Tom Waits (musician, actor)
·  Thomas Stearns Elliot (writer)
·  Vincent Van Gogh (other)
·  Virginia Woolf (writer)
·  Winston Chruchill (leader)
·  Wolfgang Armadeus Mozart (musician)

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