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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bipolar Disorder Day by Day Living

Bipolar problems will vary from person to person and will also depend on the type of episode, whether it is a manic episode or a depressive one. One of the main causes of bipolar problems is the duration of the mood of the person suffering from the disorder. A manic episode or a depressive one can last anywhere from several hours to several months. Rapid cyclers can go from days of mania to days of depression. The length of time that a episode has can determine the severity. They can be severe or serious enough to affect a person’s total routine. For instance, a depressive episode can make a bipolar incapable of getting out of bed in the morning and going to work. The inability to function day to day is very likely to lead to a person having to go on disability.
Another of a bipolar's problems is the impulsivity. During a manic episode, the person feels like they can do anything. It is common for a bipolar to take actions in this state that they will later regret. Bipolars have been known to run up huge bills or quit jobs during a manic episode. Sometimes people are heightened sexually during an episode and may end up with a sexually transmitted diseases.
Sometimes during a manic episode peope can be extremely productive or creative. They have a lot of pent up energy and the belief that all problems are not problems at all and can be easily solves. No mountain is too big to move.
Coping with a bipolar disorder is not an easy thing to do. Since it is classified as a mental illness there is a stigma that goes with it. Many people do not want to deal with it. This serious disorder seems to be becoming more frequently found in the general population and a large amount of research is going on to help Bipolars live a normal and productive life.
If you have been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder or feel you have the signs, there are help. You must think about not only yourself but family and friends in your life. Bipolar illnesses can cause problems with not only those close to you, but at your place of employment as well.
Make sure you have not only a good doctor, but one you are comfortable with. You need a professional you can talk with like your best friend so they will be able to properly treat you. There are a number of different bipolar disorders and each one needs treated differently.
Once you have been professionally diagnosed as bipolar you may need to let your closest family members and friends know. If they can understand what the problem is you will have a support system started.
The most impotant thing you can do when diagnosed with bipolar disorder is to become as knowledgeable about your illness. When you understand the signs and symptoms you can take control and to stop a mood swing before it gets out of hand.
One unavoidable problem is to have to be prescribed a regiment of medication. This should not be seen as a weaknees or dependecy. There are many illnesses both mental and physical that require daily medication.
The most important thing a bipolar needs to do is stay on their prescribed medication and consider it as a part of their life. Almost all of the problems that arise with bipolars is because they chose to stop taking their medication because they felt they no longer needed it.
Living with a mental illness is not easy but it can be accomplished. With the medication and knowledge of the disorder available today, there is no reason for anyone to live as an untreated bipolar and suffer the moodswings that go with it.

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