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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Living Bipolar Day by Day

People with bipolar disorder, also called manic depression, are especially at risk for suicide. Nobody wants to talk about suicide. The stigma, shame, and suffering are, for most, unspoken. And doctors say, for bipolars the threat of suicide is very real.
People with bipolar II disorder have a particularly high risk for suicide, particularly when they are in the depressed phase of their illness. Individuals with mixed-manic episodes , states in which they have intense signs of both depression and mania simultaneously, may have an even higher chance of becoming suicidal.
The suicidial incidents are greater when people talk about feeling suicidal or wanting to die, discussing death or writing about itFeeling hopeless, trapped — that nothing will ever change or get better. Are feeling helpless — that nothing one does makes any difference, feel like a burden to family and friends, that others would be better off without me. Lack a of purpose in one's life. Start withdrawing from friends, family, activities make previous suicide attempts. Experience recent loss of a friend or acquaintance through suicide. Have family members who have committed suicide. Begin putting affairs in order, organizing finances or giving away possessions to prepare for one's death. Engage in risky behavior, putting oneself in harm's way or in situations where there is a danger of being injured or killed, are incarcerated
Someone who is talking about suicide should always be taken seriously and receive immediate attention, from a mental health professiona
If you are feeling suicidal: Tell someone you can trust a family member, friend, teacher, minister, or rabbi. Call a doctor, emergency room, 911, or a suicide-prevention hotline. Stay with other people don't put yourself in the position of being alone. Stay away from drugs and alcohol.
Suicidal feelings pass if they are not acted on, most of the time, for most of the people.
People with bipolar disorder who have experienced mania or hypomania (less severe than mania) describe periods of emotional intensity, creativity, energy, and productivity as an advantage to being bipolar. This idea to bipolar symptoms can be so strong that bipolar patients may actually stop taking their medications because they are missing the high .
While a some of bipolar patients stay in the state of hypomania without progressing to the more dangerous mania, it is not so for the majority of people with bipolar disorder.
Symptoms of depression are far more common and frequent among people with bipolar disorder than the highs of mania.
An example is the artist Vincent van Gogh which shows the course that mania can take. Although van Gogh was never diagnosed with bipolar disorder, certain patterns of depression followed by high-energy productivity and creativity imply bipolar disorder. While his moods improved and moved toward mania, he was incredibly productive, producing works of art that are admired and beloved to this day. But as the days passed, he was unable to paint at all. Meanwhile, his personal life bore many of the signs of bipolar disorder, including suicide at 37.
The advantages of being Bipolar: Productivity. People with bipolar disorder sleep less as they become manic and have more energy. As a result, they are often more productive than their peers. The lack of sleep and high-energy work can eventually lead to burnout and may contribute to symptoms of psychosis, such as paranoia and hallucinations. Confidence. Feeling more self-confident is one of the benefits described by people with bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, as mania increases, this self-confidence can become unrealistic delusions about power and success, leading to poor life choices and impulsiveness. Charm. Along with greater energy and self-confidence, people with bipolar disorder may be more outgoing and charming as their mood improves. This can draw people to them, making them the life of the party. But ,when fully manic there is increasing irritability, impulsiveness, irrational behavior or speech, and risk-taking also can drive people away. Euphoria. Intense joy and pleasure in life, including a heightened awareness of details, may also be experienced by bipolar patients as they approach mania. This perception of the world in bright and little things are more clearr . Insight. Many people with bipolar disorder experience a feeling of greater intellectual ability and insight as they approach mania.
There are some negative aspects to hypomania in addition to the positives . They include irritability, carelessness, poor impulse control, and increased chance for substance abuse.
The so-called advantages of mania are misleading, even to the the patient with bipolar disorder. Patients often say thar these positive experiences are the reasons for going off of medications that keep their mood stable. These advantages are only temporary and can quickly progress to mania, disruptive lifestyle choices, and even psychosis.
Lack of concentration one of the mostcommon symptom of bipolar disorder. Bipolars are easily distracted or feel lost and confused whether at home, at work, in school. Being unable to concentrate can be a problem because it makes it hard to perform tasks such as grocery shopping or preparing meals, or to enjoy activities such as simply watching television or reading. The symptom also can put the person with bipolar disorder at risk for injury accidents happen when people arent attentive.

People with moodswings go from episodes of very high energy to extreme lows of depression. When depressed, people can not concentrate as well. They may have trouble thinking and making decisions. Anything can become a distraction when they are down.
The only answer for controlling moodswings of bipolars is to take medication. But these medications can contribute to the attention problems. Certain medications have been shown to make it more difficult to concentrate and to learn. Their doctor may be able to adjust the medications to resolve the problem.But for some bipolars it is a lifelong problem relieved with many medications . Lack of sleep and stress can affect concentration.
Loss the ability to concentrate when we are extremely tired, and people with bipolar disorder are known to have trouble sleeping, especially if they are in a depressed state. If you want to improve your concentration, try to get enough sleep. Try to set a sleep regime taking medication at a certain time day and night, you should go to bed and wake up the same time every night.
Stress also can cause a lack of concentration, and people with bipolar disorder are under a lot of stress from the drastic changes in their moods when medications do not fully help. Bipolars can try to control stress and get organized by manage your time. Don’t try to do too much. Say no if you can’t do it.Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Eat only low-fat meats and poultry. Get regular exercise, which can have both mental and physical health benefits. Avoid caffeine. Learn relaxation techniques. These include breathing exercises, yoga, and massage. Remember to balance periods of activity with periods of relaxation. Keep a daily planner. It will help you to remember appointments. Spend time talking and listening to others. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Choose a support group . Avoid drugs and alcohol. Taking drugs and alcohol may lessen the effectiveness of your prescribed medications and lead to potentially dangerous side effects. A daily schedule can add structure to your life, and structure can help you cope with stress.

1 comment:

Michael Smith said...

Hi Wena, it appears suicide as the main topic because the theme runs throughout the post. If the main topic is "living bipolar day to day" then the article should begin with it and not suicide.

For example, living bipolar day to day eventually leads to suicidal feelings.

Next, proving it by a credible source or what a Dr. says about bipolar suicidal rates verses non bipolars suicide rates helps readers to respect or believe your opening statement. Back your opening statement up with facts.

Finally explain why, how or when suicidal feeling arise or happen.

Mentor Mike : )