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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting Better and Staying Well

About 6% of Americans suffer from Bipolar disorder that makes millions of people living with the disorder today. Many are living healthy, productive lives yet there are still many others who are not.In order to maximize you quality of life there steps that can be made for although not a cure, at the present time there is no cure, your life can improve and with treatment you can live with Biploar Disorder more comfortably.

Getting better and staying well takes work, there are basic techniques with a doctor and medication that can make living bipolar easier on yourself and the other people in your life.Bipolar disorder does notonly affect the person with it but family and friends as well and in severe cases is a burden on society dorectly and indirectly.

Acceptance is the first and most key role in healing When you confront and face an obstacle as with any illness the burden of facing a lifetime of treatment is easier to stick with and there are fewer setback such as being compliant with medication regimes and treatment and less chance of setbacks. Know and be informed about Bipolar disorder knowledge is power and can prevent future hospitalizations when you can recognize the symptoms and stop a moodswing from becoming out of control.

Try not to be a Drama Queen. Stress, although it does not cause Bipolar disorder it can be a trigger to an episode and can be prevented with stress relieving techniques. Psychotherapy plays a role in stress reduction. If you are finding yourself in a crisis situation often Talk therapy works as well as a pill. With Bipolar disorder you are in should be in charge of the illness as much as possible consult your doctor and therapist when you first feel the signs of symptoms. Learn when and what your triggers are and what you can do to help stop the episode from becoming fullblown.

Commit yourself to being Bipolar for life Living Bipolar is the step to a quality lifetime with as few upheaval of moodswings mania and depression by relentlessly taking charge of your medication routine. Making sure you have the best medication for you and the adequate dosage takes you a step further towards a better life. Regulate sleep and eating habits that are healthy and keep a routine that works for you. Keeping a daily journal can help you to foresee future moodswings and stop the severity of them and sometimes even the frequency. Keeping a mood chart of when you are depressed and when you are manic even hypomania can be beneficial. Build a support group of family friends and people who you confinde in and use them to help yourself. Other people can see signs of depression and mania often before you do yourself try to listen to others when they voice concern of your behavior or actions.

Know that mania and depression that is becoming out of control is best handled with the doctor find a doctor that you feel confident in and can talk to about anything and everything a good rapport with your treatment team is essential to healing and staying well.

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