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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Welcome to My World

Welcome to the real world of sanity unleashed on my world of unreality. Where the light of thoughts bombard my brain into releasing the energy of hyperlife into my tired body. The days of no rest become days and nights of unrest.

Happiness uncontrolled unceasingly persists until the truth is clouded by the unreality of the dreams or wishes of I a captive of violent moodswings.

The mania the deep brooding dark and hope for an end and the future attempts to do this attracts your heart so that it is a reality and you no longer exist. Crowd maddening emotions spurt until they reach a focal point and there is a cold slowly burning anger devastating and lethal.

The dire strands that link my mind with my emotional state at any given time are stretched thin in a tenous rope around my dreams of destruction.

The collapse of self respect when all is torn away and the universes of having in a hallutionatory existence if only for a short time. Then the pseudoreal is extreme and I am a servant of illogical dreams yet to be.

There are no Whys only Whats of can be or is. I ask God to respond to my fears for the tears of dancing not to descend to the melody of the pain from the funeral dirges. This horrendous journey hovers wherever, whenever , whatever. They chase to become a treadmill of this disorder. When the roads of truth and fantasy cross there is only one question that I can ask. Am I suppossed to feel what you feel or are you able to feel what I feel. Hello I am a Bipolar Manic Depressive Welcome to my world.

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